30 College Essays in 30 Days

Day 22: 218 Cedar Street

Living by the mantra that “he who has the most toys, wins,” often leads to a messy house. When my parents sold the home where I was born, we moved the entire evidence of my childhood into my basement. And there it sat for many moons. 218 Cedar Street was a fascinating place. A giant …

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Day 25: Ready-Fire-Aim

I’ve found that it’s usually better first to do, then to plan. This ready-fire-aim paradigm has served me well in life. Act first and figure out the why later. I don’t know, or more precisely only try to determine in retrospect, the origin of most of my most important decisions. My intention to make lifestyle …

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Day 26: Teaching Good

My highest aspiration in the classroom is to teach good. I first came across this grammatically disillusioning concept when I read a close friend’s thesis at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and it has always stuck with me. Early in my career, when I was still learning the craft, I focused almost exclusively on …

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